WEBDESIGNAPP WEBDESIGNAPP / GENERAL Last updated on Updated  Sep 18, 2020

The entire WebDesignApp website builder solution is now automatically secured with SSL certification, for enhanced platform security. This means we automatically generate SSL certificates for your custom dashboard, editor and preview domains.

These certificates, which are completely free using Let’s Encrypt, will be automatically generated in the background the next time you log into your custom dashboard, or when you set it for the first time. In other words, you don’t need to do anything in order to benefit from this extra layer of security.

The process takes a few minutes, and when it’s done, you’ll see that the domain is preceded by HTTPS (rather than just HTTP). This means the site editing process is more secure for you, your staff and your customers.

Why HTTPS is important?

SSL certificates and HTTPS ensure a site’s integrity in a variety of ways. They ensure that information was not altered while being transferred from the web server to your customers’ computers or devices, since the connection is encrypted. Google’s Chrome has started warning users who visit websites that are not secure, especially if there is a password input (for example, in a dashboard login).

Make sure to secure your sites by enabling SSL certification from the Settings section of any site. Just open the Settings panel, click on Site SSL, and follow the instructions.