WEBDESIGNAPP WEBDESIGNAPP / GENERAL Last updated on Updated  Sep 18, 2020

We released an improvement to our infrastructure that should help you maintain a higher uptime and also have full SSL coverage on your website.

We now allow you to point the root of a domain (client-domain.com) directly to the platform. In the past, we did not have the option to point the root of the domain directly, which forced you to redirect the root to the www value (www.client-domain.com).

This allows a few key things:

  • We can now generate an SSL certificate for both the www AND root versions of your domain.

  • By pointing both values directly, we help maintain a higher SLA for your websites. In the past, there was some other piece of infrastructure (usually outside of the core AWS hosting) performing the redirect from the root domain to the www value. With everything pointing to ___, it helps maintain higher uptimes.

If you have a domain & website already with us, you can leverage this new infrastructure today.

Step 1 - Change your DNS settings by pointing your root domain to the new IP addresses as explained below:


Step 2 - Regenerate your SSL certificate via the SSL settings page so we can generate a certificate to your root domain.

Note that this has to be done after your root domain is successfully pointing to the IP address. 

Bonus SEO goodies

Also as part of this update, we are updating some SEO settings. We’ll now set the canonical value of the website/page to be an absolute link. 

This ensures that Google only sees one correct version of the page and should help be more certain about what page is the source of truth for the content on your website.