WEBDESIGNAPP WEBDESIGNAPP / TEMPLATES & THEMES Last updated on Updated  Sep 18, 2020

Check out the eye-catching new Sections, built with the Inner Row capability, which enables you to build amazing website elements, easily and quickly. You’ll find the beautiful new Sections in multiple categories including Intro, Contact, About Us, Team and more. Customize them as you like, save as Team Sections, and use over and over again. 


Meet your new Sections

With these gorgeous new Sections, you'll take your site designs up a notch, all with zero effort.

D5JCDZ4kBANLCXU6tJbnlh4BmuVW76JgJGfFL5xY.pngFind in the INTRO category: Side-by-side buttons

grPV8MzPbPBdFELPDZEYh5xGqFrlTURWgvCqkfDy.pngFind in the FEATURES category: Six-column row

DVEpZX2FL24NNlZ0GPsYiIwV46NUNvuFb3Peng4q.pngFind in the ABOUT category: Multi-columns with image

IjjSptVjxtX8SvIOc74q9qgDmMTc96eMS63XsRwv.pngFind in the TEXT BLOCKS category: Five-column row

26UIVYU7ZDoHYjTzGUxMx6VZGGpNJbfDLuTbOZy8.pngFind in the TEXT & IMAGE category: Multi-column section with image

wYX9nYOpNCa9nqHGFgDs3Nlwop6IhNGitYPhcgD3.pngFind in the TEAM category: Grid with multi-column cards

rCRaNOAM8weGYy0VWkgk0Mn2kSfmSrvur7laZCbX.pngFind in the CONTACT US category: Contact information with icons