FLAT RATE SEO FLAT RATE SEO / OPTIMISATION Last updated on Updated  May 17, 2021

We strive to be the most effective and transparent SEO service for small businesses. Because of this, we provide you with SEO software that tracks everything in-depth, this includes our Site Auditor.

We rescan your site monthly or quarterly depending on your preference. You'll find your last scanned date outlined in the Site Auditor section.

Our Site Auditor outlines on-site issues with varying degrees of severity, which are -


These are the most serious issues, as they can have long-lasting effects on your rankings. We aim to get these fixed as quickly as possible, usually within a few working days. At times though, these errors might not be valid as they can be due to your web hosting provider or plugins.


These are the typical SEO related issues that we get fixed up within a few weeks. This includes missing meta titles/descriptions, alt attributes, H1's & broken links. It's normal to have a high amount of these when joining us, especially if you haven't used an SEO service before. When we rescan for our comparison report, you'll have significantly fewer errors.


These are general issues to keep an eye on. They don't have to 100% be fixed, but it's good to go over them to ensure that we have optimized the best we can. Warnings can be unavoidable due to your website design, content structure, etc. It's the least important area of the 3 mentioned here.