The Pinterest tag is a piece of JavaScript code you put on your website to gather conversion insights and build audiences to target based on actions they’ve taken on your site.
Learn how to setup your Pinterest tag with this guide. If you use the Pinterest tag, you'll need to disclose your use of conversion tracking on your website, as described in our Advertising Standards.
If you are a user of the following websites, click on the name to see the site specific guide:
If you're using Wordpress or Woocommerce, you can download the free "PixelYourSite" extension to add the Pinterest tag to your website.
Track conversions with Pinterest Tag
You can define a conversion event by a specific action someone takes on your website, like signing up for your newsletter or buying a product. You can get conversion reporting for 9 types of activity on your website.
- PageVisit: Record views of primary pages, such as product pages and article pages
- ViewCategory: Record views of category pages
- Search: Record searches on your website
- AddToCart: Record when items are added to shopping carts
- Checkout: Record completed transactions
- WatchVideo: Record video views
- Signup: Record sign ups for your products or services
- Lead: Record interest in product or service
- Custom: Use this event name to track a special event that you want to include in your conversion reporting.
See the full implementation guide on how to set up specific events in your Pinterest Tag. Double check that the base code and corresponding event code is on every page that you want to track conversions, and that the base code fires first before the event code. Once the codes are added, give it 5 minutes and then confirm in Conversion Manager that the tags are properly implemented.
Verify traffic
Click into your Pinterest Tag at On the left you’ll see a section for ‘Tag Event History’. Here you’ll see all event codes you’ve successfully added. Next to the event code you’ll see how many times we’ve seen the tag fire in the last 24 hours as well as the timestamp of the most recent event fire in UTC time. The data in the tag event history is updated every 5 minutes.
Keep in mind these metrics are total tag fires — every time someone loads the page where your tag is placed, the tag should fire and one event should be counted. These metrics do not necessarily represent Pinterest conversions, as conversions can only be counted on tag fires that were made by Pinterest users that we can identify based on their Pinterest cookie or through enhanced match.
Thus, if you don’t get page visits every day to the pages you’ve placed the Pinterest tag, the last 24 hour count might be 0 for some days. You can still confirm the last time the event code fired in the far right column.
Enhanced Match
An optional addition to the base code is our recently improved feature Enhanced Match: an additional hashed email parameter you can add to your Pinterest Tag that matches conversion data with the responsible Pinterest user. This way you send hashed emails to Pinterest to match site events when a cookie is not present. You can accurately see more conversions in Ads Manager reporting as a result. New cookie-based features will supplement the cookie-less capabilities of Enhanced Match.
For privacy, emails are hashed and deleted within 24 hours.
The Enhanced Match guide covers how to implement enhanced match and addresses any security/privacy concerns you may have.
Additional Visibility Features
The Pinterest tag will create and access cookies in a first party context on your domain, providing better visibility into the Pinterest traffic you’re getting on your site.
Using Smart Match (browser signals), we can more effectively use cookies for matching to increase reach and accuracy.
Pinterest has data partnerships that help match your conversions to Pinterest users. For example, if a user is browsing your site on their phone, but chooses to buy your product from their web browser, our backend software is able to connect the devices to one another and better capture conversions you are receiving on any device.
To opt in to these features:
- New (first party) cookie: No action needed
- Cross-device matching: No action needed
- Enhanced Match: Send these instructions to your developer team
- In-app conversions: Consult your Pinterest account team
- Smart Match: No action needed
We are committed to continually improving our matching algorithm and refining our models to provide a more precise view of the conversions that your campaigns are generating. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your account team or contact us.