Using notifications will be a lot easier to collaborate with your teammates and clients, manage content creation, track publishing and approval processes. You will get notifications about all the events that happen in the workspace.
How does it work?
Find the Notifications icon in the top right corner and click on it.
The list of activities will emerge on the right side.
Here you'll be able to see the following types of notifications:
New posts created in the calendar
Who can see this notification? Workspace admins, members and clients.
Post was edited
Who can see this notification? Post author, post editor and post approver.
Proposed post was approved
Who can see this notification? Workspace admins, members and clients, post author and post editor.
New comments on your posts
Who can see this notification? Workspace admins, members and clients, post author, post editor, post approver, comment author, commentator.
Resolved or Deleted comments
Who can see this notification? Comment author.
You can see the name of the person, who took an action as well as the corresponding name of the workspace and the page. Simply click on the notification to get to the post immediately.
The Notifications feature is available for Agency Collaboration Platform users only.
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact your Customer Success Manager or Support team